Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Take part in November In Manchester

You can play a major role in November In Manchester.

Over four weeks in November, six fictional characters will be blogging, tweeting and filming their lives in Manchester. We want you to get involved. These characters need a back-story and a personality. They need to do and see things.

Here's how you can get involved:

Take photographs

Whenever you see something interesting in Manchester, snap a picture on your mobile and email it over to us. As long as it's not vulgar or illegal.

We're looking for:

  • Landmarks around Manchester
  • Interesting exterior shots
  • Photos of events - gigs and the like in the city
  • Any picture you think captures the spirit of Manchester

We'll use these images to flesh out the characters - they'll tweet and blog about your pictures and these locations will play a part in the story.

If you could also include your name and a short sentence about what the picture is, that would be great. Unfortunately, we can't use profile pictures or head shots as they'll play with the continuity of the story.


If you're a budding film maker, we'd love to see your clips. We're looking for short 1-2 minute phone videos we can upload to YouTube to use in the character's blogs.

Some ideas to get you started:

  • A morning commute
  • Lunchtime in Piccadilly Gardens
  • Shots of daily life in Manchester

Simply email them to us with a brief explanation and we'll find a place for them in the story. Sadly, we can't use anything with direct conversation in, so resist the urge to put in a David Attenborough style voice over.

Get involved

November in Manchester is an ambitious social media project which anyone and everyone can contribute to. You've got a while yet to think about what to send in, but the sooner stuff comes over, the greater chance it has of playing a role in the story.

Email us at ilove@novemberinmanchester.com

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